UNC Greensboro

The Battleground of Housing in the South

Housing has quickly emerged as a battleground in the debates and struggles around social justice and inequality. The preceding anecdotes, collected by the Immigrant Assistance Center of FaithAction International House, the researchers for the Strategic Study of the State of Human Relations in Greensboro Report, the Greensboro Housing Coalition, and the … Continued

Racial Segregation in the Piedmont

Both a casual observation of our neighborhoods and recent Census data reveals that we live in a racially segregated region. The few studies that have been done suggest that discrimination is responsible in part for this segregation. A measure of segregation is found in the dissimilarity index. This index (also … Continued

Fair Housing Equity Assessment Executive Summary

Piedmont Triad North Carolina Regional Fair Housing Equity Assessment Executive Summary prepared for The Piedmont Triad Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Project. 2013-piedmont-triad-fhea-executive-summary

Patchwork of policies

Anti-LGBTQ housing discrimination “While 21 states and a patchwork of municipalities ban anti-LGBTQ housing discrimination, the Federal Fair Housing Act has nothing to say about it. The Supreme Court may very well find that there is a constitutional right to marry, but such a ruling would do nothing to prevent … Continued

Anti-LGBTQ housing discrimination

“While 21 states and a patchwork of municipalities ban anti-LGBTQ housing discrimination, the Federal Fair Housing Act has nothing to say about it. The Supreme Court may very well find that there is a constitutional right to marry, but such a ruling would do nothing to prevent landlords from denying … Continued

Few choices for low-income households

Guilford County, NC: For every 100 extremely low-income renter households (ELI), there are only 25 affordable and available rental units.In this area, households of four earning less than $16,600 are classified as ELI. The Gap at a Glance: 17,947 Total ELI renter households 4,427 Affordable and available rental units 13,520 The … Continued