In our review of one month of court records we found that a few plaintiffs accounted for a large share of the complaints. These same plaintiffs have a number of tenant grievances and criticisms against them for poor housing quality and bad management. We also fo und that evictions, while found throughout the City, were concentrated disproportionately within a few specific communities in the South and Southeast. Nearly all cases (98.7%) were from non-payment of rent. Notably the defendant was not present in court in three-quarters of cases and the plaintiff almost always either won the case based on evidence and received compensation or received a judgment for possession as requested (99.0% of judgements and orders). The total amount due (overdue rent and damages) in these judgements was an average of $998.52 (mean) or $750.00 (median).
Read the entire report here: Evictions DRAFT 7-25-2017