UNC Greensboro

Building an Asthma-Safe Greensboro

Housing Quality in Greensboro Housing quality is an issue for Greensboro residents. Single-family homes in Greensboro are on average over 50 years old, while multi-family homes or apartments are about 35 years old. Waves of development over the years can be seen, with homes built in the 1950s or before … Continued

BUILD Health Challenge

Collaborative Cottage Grove is a BUILD 2.0 Awardee:  “Collaborative Cottage Grove’s Community-Centered Health program is committed to the transformation of health, equitable community development, and inclusion of cultural diversity. The partners are leaders in changing housing systems to align health and housing. They are not only mapping asthma hospital visits … Continued


Two-year grant aims to improve health in Cottage Grove neighborhood in east Greensboro [Greensboro, NC] Collaborative Cottage Grove has been selected for a prestigious national health award that will bring over $250,000 in funding to reduce the rates of preventable diabetes and asthma in the Cottage Grove neighborhood in Greensboro, NC. … Continued

Crunching data and mending neighborhoods

Verna Torain has lived in east Greensboro’s Cottage Grove neighborhood for more than 25 years. When she first moved to the community, many residents worked in nearby factories. “Now everything’s closed down,” says the volunteer and community activist. “There’s no jobs.” The economic toll has left its mark on Cottage … Continued