The proposal for this project was developed by CHCS in response to a request by Community Housing Solutions. The project involved conducting a housing conditions survey and background study of Woodmere Park Neighborhood (census tract 127.05) in Greensboro NC for the purposes of providing data for prioritizing selection of properties to be targeted for their Sept 19th “Paint the Town” Event. Project goals included:
- Developing a comprehensive housing hazard assessment instrument to meet the needs of Community Housing Solutions
- Creating rank-ordered needs maps clearly identifying individual properties in need of assistance that will help Community Housing Solutions in planning the fall event as well as subsequent housing rehabilitation efforts in Woodmere park
- Providing university researchers with comparable, complete, valid, and reliable data for ongoing scholarly housing research that may be shared with other community partners and translated into best practice models for other communities
The first stage of the project was to conduct a historical analysis of Woodmere Park Neighborhood, followed by analyzing statistical and geo-spatial data from a variety of existing national and local data sources and reports. CHCS then conducted primary data collection in the form of a parcel-level housing stock assessment for 1400 parcels in the Woodmere Park Neighborhood using Loveland Technologies software. This data was used to create a map of the neighborhood indicating potentially distressed properties, which included owner information as well as up-to-date tax assessor’s data.
See findings and the entire report here: Woodmere Park FINAL